The ‘Innovation Expert System, IES’ & its ‘FSTP-Test’.
‘ETCIs, Emerging Technology Claimed Inventions’ to be protected by patent law, have hitherto unknown intellectual properties, as being potentially ‘preemptive/-able’. Thus, patenting ETCIs may socioeconomically seriously threaten the US ‘NPS, National Patent System’ – just as any other NPS.
The ‘US Supreme Court, USSC’ noticed this serious threat, worldwide first and eliminated it for the US NPS: By reinterpreting the US ‘SPL, Substantive Patents’ Law’. This enables the IES, for any ETCI, to automatically deriving – for its initial part – ●its definitional properties, and ●its ‘patent-eligibility, PE’- & ‘patentability, PA’-tests, all being of ●’high speed’ and today vastly & soon totally ‘robust’.
The IES automates this SPL reinterpretation by its ‘Facts Screening/Transforming/Presenting, FSTP’-Test. It defines the ‘FSTPtech’, for all ETCIs being an amazingly powerful ‘Patenting Technology’. The IES thus offers, for any ETCI, a high quality, high speed, & high volume patenting service, hitherto evidently impossible:
• Calibrating the IES with this ETCI: The IES automatically prompts its user to input all by the FSTP-Test needed ETCI items – as before in its patent specification marked-up by a patent drafter or tester – then
• FSTP-Testing this ETCI for meeting the USSC’s SPL requirements: The IES automatically instantly derives from this input all Q/A about the ETCI’s results of its FSTP-Test – and outputs of it what the user asks for in real-time.
This trail blazing innovation, FSTPtech, cannot only for any investor/inventor/developer/lawyer/examiner/… (semi-)automatically determine whether an ETCI is ‘precisely modelably’ PE, even ‘(semi-)totally robustly’, but for anybody interested in this game-changer of patent business, too. Hitherto, everybody thought, thus powerful patenting services are impossible. Yet:
FSTPtech’s patenting power holds for any emerging technology and incredibly increases ETCIs’ modellability & productivity – due to its mathematical ‘KR, Knowledge Representation’ in deterministic AI.
Nothing like FSTPtech exists hitherto. It is the only technology determining an ETCI’s PE & PA dependably. This is unique, worldwide. FSTPtech is the future ‘Mathematical Innovatics’ analogon to ‘Mathematical Physics’. But, its realm is much broader than Physics’ one, as it comprises all PE ETCIs, also BIO, …, life cycleETCIs.Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sigram Schindler*)
*) For my CVs see the end of this mail.
These CVs require two disclaimers. ●In this mail’s talking about basic aspects of FSTPtech – potentially the future way of handling all ETCIs – its presentations about them are neither smooth nor complete, due to the advent of COVID-19. Then see[e.g.619,622]. ●The IES is by friendly testers free of cost usable over the Internet – for learning FSTPtech’s usefulness in patenting business. Yet, the IES is only a prototype++.
CV Sigram Schindler